sopranino recorder


About the Quarter Comma Meantone Guitar

There is so much to say here, but much of it will have to wait until I feel better. The wait is over, at least more some more information. Here is another page on meantone..

Pictured is a Yamaha C40II classical guitar with a custom fretboard in quarter comma meantone temperament. I removed the stock fretboard. A new fretboard was machined to my specs by Birkonium CNC Services I installed the frets and reglued the fretboard.

The guitar taking a well deserved break on the recliner. Quarter Comma Meantone Classical Guitar

Quarter Comma Meantone Classical Guitar fretboard Quarter Comma Meantone Classical Guitar fretboard

A closeup of the frets. Bullet ends on the inner frets. Quarter Comma Meantone Classical Guitar fretboard, closeup of frets

The bare quarter comma meantone fretboard Quarter Comma Meantone Classical Guitar Fretboard without frets

Installing frets in the meantone fretboard Intalling frets in a quarter comma meantone classical guitar fretboard

Gradually working down the neck working down the neck in removing a classical guitar fretboard

A paint scrapper inserted underneath the fretboard a paint scrapper removing a classical guitar fretboard

Removing the fretboard with an iron removing a classical guitar fretboard with an iron

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